Why Does the List of 9 Items Transform into the List of 8 Items in Java?
Image by Diwata - hkhazo.biz.id

Why Does the List of 9 Items Transform into the List of 8 Items in Java?

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If you’re a Java developer, you might have stumbled upon a peculiar issue where your list of 9 items suddenly transforms into a list of 8 items. You’re not alone! This phenomenon has puzzled many developers, leaving them scratching their heads. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll delve into the reasons behind this enigmatic behavior and provide a clear explanation with code examples to help you understand what’s happening.

The Mystery Begins

Let’s start with a simple Java program that demonstrates this issue. Suppose you have a list of 9 items, and you’re trying to process each item in the list:

List<String> list = new ArrayList<>();
list.add("Item 1");
list.add("Item 2");
list.add("Item 3");
list.add("Item 4");
list.add("Item 5");
list.add("Item 6");
list.add("Item 7");
list.add("Item 8");
list.add("Item 9");

for (String item : list) {
    if (item.equals("Item 5")) {

What do you expect the output to be? You’d think it would print all 9 items, right? Well, not quite. When you run this program, you’ll notice that “Item 9” is missing from the output!

The Culprit: Concurrent Modification Exception

The reason behind this behavior lies in the way Java handles concurrent modification of collections. In the code above, we’re iterating over the list using an enhanced for loop, which is equivalent to using an Iterator. When we remove an item from the list while iterating, we’re modifying the underlying collection, which leads to a Concurrent Modification Exception.

This exception is thrown because the Iterator is designed to traverse the collection in a specific order. When we remove an item, the Iterator is no longer aware of the changes, causing it to skip items or throw an exception.

Understanding the Iterator’s Behavior

To understand why the Iterator behaves this way, let’s dive deeper into its implementation. An Iterator in Java maintains an internal index that keeps track of the current position in the collection. When you iterate over a list, the Iterator returns each element in sequence, starting from the first element (index 0) and moving towards the last element (index n-1).

Now, when you remove an item from the list while iterating, the underlying collection is modified, but the Iterator’s index is not updated. This means the Iterator will skip the next element in the list, as it’s still pointing to the old index.

Iteration 1: Index 0 - Item 1
Iteration 2: Index 1 - Item 2
Iteration 3: Index 2 - Item 3
Iteration 4: Index 3 - Item 4
Iteration 5: Index 4 - Item 5 (removed)
Iteration 6: Index 4 - Item 6 (skipped, Iterator still points to old index)
Iteration 7: Index 5 - Item 7
Iteration 8: Index 6 - Item 8

As you can see, when we remove “Item 5” at index 4, the Iterator skips “Item 6” and moves to “Item 7” at index 5, effectively skipping one item.

How to Avoid the Concurrent Modification Exception

So, how can we avoid this pesky exception and ensure that our list of 9 items remains intact? There are two approaches:

Method 1: Iterating with an Index

We can iterate over the list using an old-fashioned for loop with an index:

List<String> list = new ArrayList<>();
// ... add items ...

for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) {
    String item = list.get(i);
    if (item.equals("Item 5")) {
        i--; // decrement index to avoid skipping items

By using an index, we can control the iteration and avoid the Concurrent Modification Exception. Note that we decrement the index (i–) when we remove an item to avoid skipping the next item.

Method 2: Using an Iterator with remove()

An alternative approach is to use an Iterator explicitly and call the remove() method on the Iterator:

List<String> list = new ArrayList<>();
// ... add items ...

Iterator<String> iterator = list.iterator();
while (iterator.hasNext()) {
    String item = iterator.next();
    if (item.equals("Item 5")) {

By using the Iterator’s remove() method, we can safely remove items from the list without worrying about the Concurrent Modification Exception.


In conclusion, the mysterious transformation of a 9-item list into an 8-item list in Java is due to the way the Iterator handles concurrent modification of collections. By understanding the Iterator’s behavior and using one of the two methods outlined above, you can avoid this pitfall and ensure that your lists remain intact.

Remember, when working with collections in Java, it’s essential to be mindful of the Iterator’s behavior and take steps to avoid concurrent modification exceptions.

Method Description
Iterating with an Index Use a for loop with an index to control the iteration and avoid skipping items.
Using an Iterator with remove() Use an Iterator explicitly and call the remove() method to safely remove items from the list.

We hope this comprehensive guide has helped you understand the intricacies of Java’s Iterator and how to avoid the Concurrent Modification Exception. Happy coding!

Here are 5 Questions and Answers about “Why does the list of 9 items transform into the list of 8 items(Java)?”

Frequently Asked Question

Get the inside scoop on why your list of 9 items is mysteriously shrinking to 8 in Java!

What’s going on with my list? Did I accidentally delete an item?

No, you didn’t delete an item, and it’s not a case of miscounting either! The issue lies in the way Java handles arrays and lists. Sometimes, when you add or remove items from a list, Java might reorganize the underlying data structure, which can result in a change in the list size. So, don’t worry, it’s not you, it’s Java!

Is this a bug in Java or just a weird feature?

It’s not a bug, nor is it a feature – it’s just how Java is designed to work. When you create an ArrayList, for example, Java allocates a certain amount of space for the list. As you add items, Java might need to resize the list to accommodate more elements. This resizing process can sometimes result in a smaller list size, even if you didn’t explicitly remove any items.

Can I prevent this from happening or is it out of my control?

While you can’t completely prevent this behavior, you can take steps to minimize its impact. For instance, you can use the `trimToSize()` method to reduce the list’s capacity to the number of elements it currently holds. This can help prevent unnecessary resizing and reduce the likelihood of your list shrinking unexpectedly.

How do I even notice this is happening in my code?

That’s a great question! You might not even notice this issue unless you’re closely monitoring the size of your list. However, if you’re performing operations that rely on the list’s size, such as iterating over the elements or using the list as an indexer, you might encounter unexpected behavior or errors. To catch this issue, make sure to regularly check the list’s size and contents, especially after adding or removing elements.

Is there a workaround or alternative to avoid this issue altogether?

Yes, there are workarounds! If you’re concerned about the list’s size changing unexpectedly, consider using a different data structure, such as a LinkedList, which doesn’t resize its underlying array. Alternatively, you can use a fixed-size array instead of a dynamic list. Just keep in mind that these alternatives might have their own performance implications or limitations.